the reason why i havent been blogging for so long is...
duwan lor..
cause i sian ar.
so simple..
good bye to Micheal Jackson.
he has made so many good songs for all to listen and dance to.
He is a legend.
and always will be.
k on to my post.
The guy
theres this guy that took away my table at work and is currently sitting next to me...
well he didnt take my table away, another guy did, but hes sitting there now and thats the problem.
kk i shall move on to the problem.
the problem is..
he is smelly or rather, bad bad bad B.O. (body odor for those who dont know)
and the things he drink, i dont know what are those. im guessing its medicine or good for health or something.
but i dont think its any good judging from his B.O.
actually no haha, it kinda pisses me off.
and since he sits next to me.
i can hear his mumbling. and (bad) singing/humming.
he dresses as though he is at home, 3quarter shorts, t-shirts that most prolly comes from a school camp/sports day/old old OLD secondary or whatever level school t shirt. horrible. and his sock / shoes. no comments.
i mean.
he's from university. and hes going for work. and theres a dresscode. i dont know why no one said anything yet.
i cant say anything cuz ima student
poly summore.
then i want to tell the higher ups.
but he hasent done anything wrong.
tahan lor what to do.
oh but theres one part i really dun like.
his staring.
he stares at my computer screen. and then he goes on to mumble stuff.
then he stares at my colleague's computer screens.
then we'r talking.
like chatting la. i know we'r not supposed to. but working a whole day is unbearable. so ya.
he will stare at us. machiam hes in the convo also.
then he digs his nose... and rubs the outcome.. with his fingers.. then i dunno where that goes already.
oh wait.
it goes back into his nose.
now lets say together okay??
well done~!
kk next~!
ndp costumes.
its thick, with paddings. it doesnt let air flow through. its 3 peices(1 vest 1 coat 1 pants).its neon green.its ugly.
well mine anyway.
pictures can be found on facebook? i guess haha
its bad. and very, very, very ,very very, very, torturous to wear. i have never. NEVER felt such hot air coming from under my clothes before.
its bad.
okay i shall end this post here.
have fun waiting for my next post people~